Precauciones para personas con patologías respiratorias frente al COVID-19 Published on 22/04/2020 Los pacientes con patologías respiratorias son uno de los grupos más vulnerables frente a la infección por COVID-19, por ello su protección debe ser una prioridad para los expertos en salud pública.
Bailar y saltar a la comba en casa pueden sustituir el paseo diario en pacientes con cardiopatías y oncológicos Published on 22/04/2020 Los pacientes con cardiopatías podrían sustituir el paseo diario por bailes o saltar a la comba en el salón de su casa durante la pandemia para evitar un estilo de vida sedentario.
¿Cómo debemos cuidar la alimentación durante la pandemia del COVID-19? Published on 22/04/2020 Con la pandemia que estamos sufriendo en el mundo, no podían faltar bulos sobre alimentación en relación con la cura del COVID-19, que no tienen fundamento científico alguno como el consumo de agua con limón o gárgaras con bicarbonato.
Cómo cuidar nuestra piel durante el confinamiento Published on 11/04/2020 Mucha hidratación o un jabón 'sin jabón' son algunos consejos para tener a punto la piel durante esta temporada.
Soy paciente oncológico, ¿qué recomendaciones debo llevar a cabo en época de coronavirus? Published on 30/03/2020 El doctor Ricardo Cubedo, del Servicio de Oncología Médica, ofrece una serie de recomendaciones para los pacientes oncológicos en estos momentos.
I am a caregiver for a cancer patient, what safety measures should I take? Published on 27/03/2020 Ana Garnica, supervisor of Continuing Nurse Education, gives four recommendations for caregivers.
Oral health in times of COVID-19 Published on 27/03/2020 Follow these 5 key tips for good oral health at home from Dr. Nestor Montesdeoca, with the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service.
How you can manage isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic Published on 20/03/2020 “To manage social isolation it is important to know how to manage our emotional state during these uncertain, stressful times”, says Marta de la Fuente, head of the Psycho-oncology Service at MD Anderson Madrid – Hospiten.
A study suggests Intermittent fasting may improve response to lung cancer treatment Published on 10/02/2020 A new paper has been published recently in the magazine Nature which explores short-lasting intermittent fasting in lung cancer with very promising results in substantially improving the response to treatment with an inhibitory check point in tumours where it was carried out with 24 or 48 hour fasting compared to none.
I have cancer, and now how do I explain it in my work? Published on 03/02/2020 According to data from the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), almost half (four out of ten) of the people who received a cancer diagnosis in 2018 were under 65 years old; that is, they were of working age and had to take a long-term leave.