Other skin cancer risk factors besides the sun Published on 12/06/2024 The skin is the largest organ of the body and we are tremendously exposed. However, early detection of melanoma increases the chances of cure by almost 97%.
Ears, lips and scalp, areas that we must not forget to protect from the sun in summer Published on 04/07/2023 In Spain, around 78,000 cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year. Some sunburns are aggressive lesions that, when repeated and over the long term (20-30 years), can lead to cancer1, 2
Skin cancer can also develop on the lids or the inner edge of the eye Published on 13/06/2023 The eye and the lids are a part of the body also exposed to the sun and can develop various types of tumour, such as squamous or basal cell carcinomas and melanomas
Immunotherapy, key to the prevention of skin cancer recurrence and in the treatment of advanced-stage tumors Published on 09/06/2022 The use of this form of adjuvant treatment is increasingly associated with greater therapeutic benefits for patients, even in earlier stages of the disease
The number of severe skin tumors has tripled since the beginning of the pandemic due to delayed diagnosis Published on 20/05/2021 Tumors that are usually treated by dermatologists and are generally caught early, have become more advanced tumors and are, therefore, more complex and expensive to treat
MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten and emov join forces to build awareness among the public in Madrid of the effects of airborne pollution on the health Published on 15/11/2018 Published November 15 2018