Accepting the emotional response and being less self-demanding, key tools for cancer patients at Christmas time Published on 16/12/2024 It is essential to organise activities that suit the patient's physical and emotional state and to avoid forcing ourselves to meet certain family and social expectations.
The sense of grief, the feeling of loss and physical changes experienced by the cancer patient Published on 22/04/2024 Physical changes such as hair loss or facial disfigurement, and even certain challenges such as amputations or ostomies, can affect not only the self-image but also the functioning of the body.
The tyranny of positivism as the 'enemy' of the cancer patient Published on 05/03/2024 Although negative emotions are not pleasant, they are natural and are part of the process of psychological adaptation to the illness, and externalising them helps patients to find help.
Knowing how cancer interrupts the life of the young cancer patient, is essential for the correct psychological approach Published on 13/02/2023 Body image, autonomy or fertility may be affected at some point in the oncological process, with the consequent impact on emotional well-being
Clear information and support from the healthcare professional, keys to overcoming the fear of going to the doctor Published on 18/07/2022 The specialist is key to alleviating the patient’s uncertainty and providing the resources with which to safely face the situation that is causing distress, particularly in cases of cancer
I have cancer: How do I tell my children? Published on 03/02/2022 Normalization the use of the word 'cancer' may be key to achieving a generational change toward destigmatizing the disease, thus improving the quality of life of patients. Providing the child wishes to do so, sharing information with young children relieves the anxiety and uncertainty of the disease, and helps prevent them from seeking answers by other means. Involving children in the changes that our body will undergo, making them see the process as something natural will help us to have a healthier relationship with the unpleasant emotions that arise during the process.
MD Anderson Madrid – Hospiten lends excitement to CIBECOM’2019 Published on 08/04/2019 The talk, "Managing emotions in situations of critical communication", seeks to help attendees identify, analyze and manage their own emotions so that these do not interfere in the professional field.