Palliative surgery in peritoneal carcinomatosis can make a difference of months in the survival of the patient with improved quality of life Published on 29/04/2021 PIPAC, a palliative technique for intraperitoneal administration of chemotherapy, can increase the average survival rate by between 16 and 42 months in patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis
Prostatic radiosurgery can reduce the duration of conventional treatment from 4-7 weeks to 5 days Published on 14/04/2021 The technique is ideal for patients whose disease is confined to the prostate or is localized prostate cancer, who represent 85% of prostate tumor cases
Colonoscopy delays due to fear of COVID-19 worsens prognosis for colorectal cancer patients Published on 29/03/2021 The impact of a delay of between 7 and 12 months in testing for the diagnosis of this tumor translates into a 3% increase in the mortality rate, and for those over 12 months, 7%
Regular self-examination is essential for early detec-tion of testicular cancer Published on 22/03/2021 When is found early, there is more than a 90% chance of a cure. This type of cancer does not hurt, bleed or show any other symptoms, except a lump or change in the size of the testicle.
Endometriosis, the disease many women do not know they suffer from Published on 12/03/2021 It is important that surgery be carried out by experienced surgical gynecologists with ample knowledge of endometriosis. Inappropriate surgery will lead to future relapses of the disease
MD Anderson Madrid – Hospiten participates in a protocol for bone marrow transplant patients to receive treatment at its center after the procedure Published on 25/02/2021 This allows patients with lymphoma or multiple myeloma who require a hematopoietic stem cell transplant to return to their center of origin to continue their own post-transplant care
Colorectal cancer surgery in times of COVID-19 is safe for patients, according to a national study Published on 16/02/2021 The study, which was carried out during the months of lockdown in the first wave of COVID-19 and in which 9 Spanish hospitals participated, including MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten, aims to make plans for changes in surgical departments to be prepared for future peaks in the pandemic
Post-COVID check-ups for cardiology, pulmonology and hematology, advisable for all patients, even without symptoms Published on 09/02/2021 Up to two thirds of patients may suffer from fatigue, shortness of breath after physical exertion, cognitive dysfunction, metabolic disorders or mental illness. MD Anderson Madrid – Hospiten performs a post-COVID check-up in a single day that includes the three specialties
Ten keys to accompanying employees with cancer from organizations in the new work environment Published on 03/02/2021 MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten and Cigna Spain have prepared a document with practical advice on supporting employees who live with cancer during the process of adaptation to the current work, social and health scenario. Workers with cancer, or those who live with cancer patients, now face a number of challenges affecting their emotional well-being: the disease itself, the fear of contagion by COVID-19, changes in health care, limitations of social relationships and new work processes.
MD Anderson Madrid – Hospiten ofrece un servicio de autobús lanzadera para pacientes, familiares y empleados Published on 12/01/2021 El servicio cubrirá el recorrido desde la puerta principal de Arturo Soria hasta el metro Pinar de Chamartín (ida y vuelta) del 12 al 15 de enero