Los dispositivos de alto flujo podrían mejorar el pronóstico de los pacientes oncológicos en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos Published on 25/06/2018 Muchos han sido los avances que en los últimos años han disminuido la mortalidad de los pacientes con cáncer en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCIs). Mientras estudios de la ...
Focal therapy yields very promising results in patients with localized prostate tumors Published on 11/06/2018 Thanks to the important advances in science and to increasingly early detection of prostate cancer, the most common tumor among men, the concern of most of these patients has alter...
Oncólogos médicos, radioterápicos y quirúrgicos, gastroenterólogos y pacientes se unen para concienciar sobre el tumor más frecuente en Europa, el cáncer colorrectal Published on 23/05/2018 La mayoría de la población reconoce perfectamente la palabra “cáncer”, pero ¿y si preguntamos qué es y cómo se produce un tumor, qué significa que la enfermedad está localizada o q...
Los estudios en fase I son la élite de los ensayos clínicos y una oportunidad única para los pacientes oncológicos Published on 20/05/2018 En los últimos años, se ha avanzado mucho en el descubrimiento de nuevos fármacos y estrategias terapéuticas para el tratamiento del cáncer, unos hallazgos que no habrían sido pos...
Advances in genomics condition the approach and research in gynecologic tumors Published on 09/05/2018 Since the first genome sequencing in 2001, advances in genomics applied to the treatment of numerous diseases, including cancer, have not stopped growing. "Now, we are investigatin...
Laparoscopic surgery through a single incision for preventive removal of the ovaries improves the quality of life of patients Published on 04/05/2018 Salpingo-oophorectomy, i.e., the removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes when there is a high risk of developing ovarian cancer or a relapse in breast cancer, is usually done l...
The type of asthenia may be a prognostic biomarker in cancer patients Published on 26/04/2018 The majority of cancer patients report asthenia, generalized fatigue that usually stays with them throughout the day and which, in addition, gets worse as the day goes on. Although...
MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten continues to ‘super-specialize’ their Medical Oncology Service to provide more personalized care Published on 16/04/2018 In line with the aim of achieving more and more personalized care for cancer patients based on "super-specialization" and multidisciplinary treatment, MD Anderson Cancer Center Mad...
MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten organizes a preceptorship on renal cancer and neuroendocrine tumors with more than 20 professionals from the Middle East Published on 16/04/2018 With the aim of sharing experiences of real clinical practice in patients with renal cancer and neuroendocrine tumors, MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten organized a preceptorship wi...
Dr. Enrique Grande, appointed member of the Advisory Committee of the European Society of Neuroendocrine Tumors Published on 16/04/2018 Dr. Enrique Grande, head of the Medical Oncology Service at MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten, has been appointed to the Advisory Committee of the European Society of Neuroendocrine...