An understanding of the cellular alterations that occur with acute leukemia opens the door to innovative and targeted therapies Published on 03/10/2024 The specialists will give an update on advances in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes, myelofibrosis, specific therapies for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) or Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL).
Artificial Intelligence (AI) opens new horizons in the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of leukaemia Published on 04/10/2023 During the 12th edition of their Open Days, experts from MD Anderson in Houston and other national and international specialists presented some of the latest developments in this field to the participants.
Research into acute leukemia moves towards "tailor-made" treatments for each individual patient Published on 22/11/2022 Research into acute leukemia is currently one of the most active fields in Spain due to the shortcomings persisting in the treatment of these patients, who amount to more than 6,000 every year1
Hematologists face the challenge of incorporating Target Therapies into daily practice in the treatment of acute leukemia Published on 10/11/2021 Better understanding of cell tumor biology opens possibilities for targeted therapies in acute leukemia
Systemic mastocytosis, a disease of rare diagnosis, to be studied at the 10th Acute Leukemia Conference of MD Anderson Madrid – Hospiten Published on 27/09/2021 It will feature prominent speakers from different countries in America and Europe, as well as the intervention of professionals from the MD Anderson leukemia department in Houston
The development of new drugs and improvements in the monitoring of acute leukemia allow us to start thinking about chronic treatment guidelines Published on 28/09/2020 Almost six hundred acute leukemia specialists from 12 different countries have joined the annual meeting, in a virtual format this year The arrival of immunotherapy, novelties in FLT3 inhibitors in acute myeloid leukemia and management of the disease alongside COVID-19 were some of the most outstanding topics at the meeting