Colon cancer prevention starts with diet: fruits and vegetables rich in fibre help reduce risk Published on 30/03/2023 Excessive consumption of red meat, processed foods and animal fats contribute to the proliferation of chronic diseases, such as obesity, which in turn are related to colorectal cancer
Colon cancer cases are on the rise in those under 50 Published on 30/03/2022 Various scientific studies confirm an increased incidence rate of colon cancer in young adults. In Europe, specifically, between 40 and 45 years old, one study observed an annual increase of 1.6% between 2004 and 2016
Colonoscopy delays due to fear of COVID-19 worsens prognosis for colorectal cancer patients Published on 29/03/2021 The impact of a delay of between 7 and 12 months in testing for the diagnosis of this tumor translates into a 3% increase in the mortality rate, and for those over 12 months, 7%