MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten postpones the International Meeting in Gynecologic Oncology Published on 05/03/2020 This decision is accordance with the guidelines published by of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health of the Autonomous Regions and the Medical Society.
Doctor José Ignacio Martín Valadés, new Head of Digestive Tumour Section in MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten Published on 02/03/2020 With more than ten years' experience in treating patients with digestive tumours in the Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Dr José Ignacio Martín Valadés joins the MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten as the new head of the Digestive Tumours Section in the Medical Oncology Service.
MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten launches a new Haematopoietic Transplant Unit Published on 27/02/2020 After more than 15 years of experience in autologous and allogeneic transplants, MD Anderson Cancer Madrid has launched a new Haematopoietic Transplant Unit with a view to enhancing and developing the transplant programme and offering CAR-T therapy.
Patients with sarcoma 'play' their best or worst prognosis in the first operation Published on 10/02/2020 22% of people diagnosed with cancer in Spain have a rare tumour, according to data from the Spanish Orphan and Infrequent Tumours Group (GETHI). In these cases, as with other rare diseases, the main problems are delayed diagnosis, reduced availability of therapeutic options and, above all, the difficulty of finding professionals who are experts in a disease that only affects a small part of the population.
MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten and Cigna present a guide to support organisations in the development of cancer management policies Published on 06/02/2020 On the occasion of World Cancer Day, MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid – Hospiten and Cigna España have presented ‘Cancer in the company: Practical Notes for Human Resources,’ a guide that covers a wide range of recommendations to support organisations in the development of comprehensive cancer management policies.
Each woman's breast type can predict the risk of cancer and even the difficulty of detection Published on 27/01/2020 Every year more than 32,500 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in Spain
Up to 95% of tumours are not hereditary Published on 13/01/2020 According to estimates by the Spanish Cancer Registers Network (REDECAN), at the end of 2019 more than 275,000 cases of cancer were diagnosed in our country
Cancer patients can enjoy special Christmas meals, too. Here’s how Published on 17/12/2019 Christmas is upon us, that time of the year when we gather once more with our closest relatives over tableful after tableful of holiday lunches and dinners.
Over 90% of the women with breast cancer in Africa are treated via radical mastectomy Published on 10/12/2019 Over half the women in Africa (60%) diagnosed with breast cancer find out about it when the disease is already in an advanced state, and over 90% are treated via radical mastectomy.
Stomach cancer is one of the few kinds of tumours whose rate declines year after year Published on 28/11/2019 According to the latest figures from the Spanish Medical Oncology Society (Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica, or SEOM), 7,800 new cases of stomach tumours are diagnosed per year, although fortunately this is one of the few areas where the cancer rate is going down each year.